Dragon JV Green Team Policies


Carroll Tennis is a year round sport with both a Fall and a Spring season.

Fall (Aug-Nov) Team Tennis: 6 lines of boys singles, 6 lines of girls singles, 3 boys doubles, 3 girls doubles, 1 mixed doublesSpring Spring (Jan-May) Individual Tennis: Singles, Doubles or Mixed Doubles.


4th & 8th Blocks (2:05-3:21) JV Tennis

We will finish most days by 3:21.  However, on some days, kids may need to stay a little bit later due to finishing a challenge match.

Travel Policy

We travel by bus to all away matches and tournaments.If there is an emergency that requires a player to leave with a parent, it must be arranged in advance. Convenience is never a reason not to travel with the team. Travel to “out of town” tournaments is a privilege that must be earned. Along with ladder position, players must exhibit maturity that instills confidence.

Home Matches

Players are expected to stay for the duration of the match or tournament.  Every player’s match is important and warrants the support of teammates. When we miss an entire school day for tennis, kids are excused the following day of practice to study or make up any work missed the previous day.

Daily Practice

Players need to expect to practice every day regardless of weather. We have options if it’s raining (weight room, gyms, study hall, team meetings, character lessons).

Absence from Practice

Athletes are responsible for letting coaches know ASAP if they will be absent from practice.  Missing practice to work on homework or study is not a valid excuse. We are teaching our kids time management & self discipline skills and need your help at home. Electronic correspondence via text or email is encouraged. If an athlete is sick the morning of, please communicate with Coach Aldridge as early as possible.

Please help and try to schedule doctor’s appointments outside of practice if possible.

Proper Dress for Matches/Practice

Players are expected to wear their uniforms or Dragon Tennis attire during match play. We will communicate with the team as to what outfit to wear beforehand. Monday practice shirts are to be work during Monday morning practices. This is one of the many team building things we do together.


Coaches will communicate general information via an email distribution list. If we need to get immediate important information to you, we will use the Remind text messaging service. To join enter 81010 and type @c52bed as the message and then send. Your should receive a text confirmation immediately.

Please pay attention to our team website www.carrolldragontennis.org for any important information such as rosters, schedules, team history, records and more. Also, follow our Dragon Tennis Twitter page for team updates and results, @SLCTennis.

Annual Tryout

We are limited on the number of members we can carry on a team. Due to the number of graduating seniors and incoming talent, some underclassmen on the varsity tennis team (lower on the ladder) may be required to re-tryout for next year’s team. We will communicate this with the player at the conclusion of the spring season.

Player Responsibility/Standards

Players will not underachieve on the court or in the classroom.
Players will be prepared. They will have the proper equipment every day.
Players will be on time. “On time is 5 minutes early.”
Players will respect others. We will play with pride and class, even if its not reciprocated.
Players will remember who they are and whose they are.